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What if Hillary Clinton Won?

The election of 2016 was both historic and consequential.  Our nation was at a crossroads and many of us are grateful that the American people chose a path that offers hope for securing the benefits of our system of freedom and democracy for our children and future Americans.

We are all well-aware of the total failure of polling operations that completely missed the election results.   In hindsight, there was one poll that correlated with the election outcome. For decades, Rasmussen Reports has polled registered voters monthly, asking: “Is the country headed in the right direction, or wrong direction?”  For seven+ years, the monthly poll results were about 60-65% wrong direction.   In November, 2016, Rasmussen conducted post-election polling to capture information on how people voted versus their view of the direction of the country.   Rasmussen reported:

  • 35% of voters thought the country was headed in the right direction, and 90% of them voted for Hillary Clinton
  • 65% of voters thought the country was headed in the wrong direction, and almost 80% of them voted for Trump

Today we have a President with a 40% approval rating, but one who is acting out his agenda.  Over time, he may succeed in winning over a number of people and improve his polling results.  But consider where we might be if Hillary Clinton won:

  • A new Supreme Court Justice would be in place, a liberal activist to replace Justice Scalia, tilting the court to liberalism for decades
  • An economy that moves laterally at 1.5% range growth, like the Obama admin years, no rationale in play for a growth economy since private sector sales and profits will struggle to maintain, perhaps a flat-lined stock market as well, negatively impacting 401(k)s and savings of Americans
  • Obamacare is the law of the land, single payer government care on a fast track to take over health care in America
  • Student loan debt forgiven, $1.3B added to national debt to capture the base of Bernie Sanders supporters, solidify her standing for 2020
  • Promotion and aggressive funding of Common Core across the land, lowering education standards to improve school test results, giving bragging rights to teacher unions and politicians of both parties
  • Federal bailouts of “bankrupt” red states such as Illinois and California
  • Federal budget deficits would continue, or accelerate, given the commitment to relentlessly grow government
  • Open borders, token enforcement of our immigration laws, American citizens at risk of violent crime from M-13 and other criminal elements, sanctuary cities continue to protect illegals from any Federal action
  • FBI Director Comey in place, posing as a staunch law enforcement officer, instead of being exposed as a lying, leaking partisan hack, soon under investigation
  • Attorney General Lynch goes off to retirement and the speaking circuit, perhaps a candidate for the Supreme Court, instead of being under investigation along with Comey for collusion to stop/impede the legal proceedings against Hillary Clinton and her email scandal
  • The “unmasking” of names of hundreds of individuals in classified documents by Obama Admin types like Samantha Power, Susan Rice and others for political purposes  would never emerge  as a legal issue, and instead is the topic of a growing scandal and legal jeopardy for the perpetrators
  • The Department of Energy (DOE) would grow all green energy programs, punish coal and oil producing energy resources using tax and regulatory measures of the Obama Admin, assuring high costs of all energy for consumers and energy dependence for the nation
  • The EPA would expand its actions to enforce its regulatory power over every frog pond on every farm in America, controlling how and what a farmer or any property owner can do with his/her own property, and grow its book of regulations impacting every facet of American business endeavors
  • The DOJ would expand the federal “war on Freedom of Conscience” with expanding definition of “gender,” its enforcement of LGBT rights versus Christian values, determining what Christian beliefs are allowed that are aligned with the LGBT agenda, suing citizens for any denial of services that offends the LGBT community
  • Foreign powers, both friendly and adversarial, will capitalize on weak, feckless US policies to advance their interests, making the world a more dangerous place as nations such as Iran and North Korea become full-fledged nuclear powers, while allies make decisions about how to defend their interests as lone actors, unable to rely on a rudderless US
  • Corporate Tax policies and regulations would stay in place or grow, making the US an expensive and difficult  country to do business, maintaining the outflow of jobs from the US, and weakening the capacity of US businesses to effectively compete in world markets

We the people have chosen a path forward that rejects the policies of a Hillary Clinton administration.  President Trump speaks frequently about his commitment to the people who elected him, along with his total commitment to the agenda he promoted throughout his campaign.  Let us continue to support him, especially in his efforts to “drain the swamp” of Federal government.

Bill Broderick

Kane County Patriots

iPatriot Contributers


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