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The Democrats and MSM Are “Whistling Past the Graveyard”!


Whistle Past the Graveyard

To attempt to stay cheerful in a dire situation; to proceed with a task, ignoring an upcoming hazard, hoping for a good outcome

To enter a situation with little or no understanding of the possible consequences


        Characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound, a strident voice

     .  Commanding attention by a loud or obtrusive quality

In recent weeks I have written and published a number of articles about my belief that the Democrats and MSM are completely out of touch with, and totally dishonest about, what is happening in Middle America today. I have also read a number of detailed articles from other Conservative writers who have the same views as I do. Obviously they are seeing the same irrational and strident public commentary from the Left that I am seeing. What is even more interesting to me is that every time I turn on the TV or scroll through internet articles or social media I see even more convincing evidence that  the Left is NOT GOING TO TAKE OVER OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT on NOVEMBER 6, 2018! However the Left is still obsessively sticking to the Democratic playbook. Which is deny, deny, deny, lie and then re-direct!

Here are a few recent examples that confirm the Left is “whistling”:

  • A Democratic Strategist was representing the Left on FOX one morning this week. When asked about the Democrat’s ties to the “Russian Dossier” he immediately went into a well-rehearsed rant about it being the Republicans who really financed the “Dossier” in an effort to defeat Trump in the primary. His rant was an absolute contradiction to all the publicly available information confirming that it was the DNC and the Hillary campaign that financed the “Dossier”.
  • On Tucker Carlson one night this week a Democratic Strategist and former Clinton Campaign staff member was asked about the latest information confirming that the Obama Administration did spy on the Trump campaign. The Democrat immediately flipped to a detailed rant about the Russians working with the Trump Campaign to defeat Hillary.
  • Sandra Smith is hosting Martha MacCallum’s show this week. One night one of her guest, by remote, was the career sailor who was court marshaled for taking cell phone pictures on the nuclear sub he was serving on. He just wanted to be able to show his family where he served and what he did when he was on duty. He plead guilty expecting to be able to negotiate a reasonable punishment. But instead he was sentenced to a year in Federal prison, three years’ probation, given a dishonorable discharge and lost all his service benefits. As a convicted felon, on probation, with a dishonorable discharge he cannot get a job, he is bankrupt, his home is in foreclosure and he and his family are about to become homeless. Another guest was a Democrat attorney. Sandra asked him about new evidence that confirms that Hillary and Abedin did flagrantly violate U.S. Secret Security regulations, with no legal ramifications for anyone, and to compare that to what happened to the sailor. The attorney immediately insisted that Hillary and Abedin did not do anything wrong, but the sailor did, and he deserved everything that happened to him.
  • In 2017 there were dramatic increases in homelessness, major crimes, and an exodus of jobs from Sanctuary/Democratic controlled Cities.
  • The Democratic National Committee is failing miserably in fund raising while the Republican National Committee is raising huge amounts of money every month.
  • The stock market is at record highs, the unemployment rate is at record lows, consumer confidence is up, and companies are giving out bonuses and raises.
  • The U. S. financial contribution to the UN was just reduced by $285,000,000 and will be reduced more while Nikki Haley resoundingly stood up to UN members who publicly questioned the U.S. decision to move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  • The Trump Administration is publicly supporting Iranians who are protesting conditions in Iran and is refusing to ratify the Obama nuclear deal with Iran.
  • The Trump Administration is withholding aid dollars to Pakistan until they meet certain conditions that are in America’s best interest.
  • The Trump Administration is withholding aid dollars to the Palestine government until they meet certain conditions that are in America’s best interest.

Obviously the political situation in America can change between now and November 6, 2018 so we Conservatives must remain vigilant and active to keep America moving forward away from the Left’s “One World Order” fantasy!

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