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For the length of the broadcast Olympics my wife and I have enjoyed the talented athletes who for so long have trained, to perform their best on the World Stage.

I have been discussed with some of the commentators and the so called now, out of the closet gays and those dressed as an abomination simply to show their gayness. My faith is tested the same as God’s when they were turned over to a reprobate mind. Skater Rippon so glad to take on the Vice President of the United States for his faith and conviction that a marriage is only that between a man and a women as God created Adam and Eve. For him that is Adam and Steve. Johnny Weir is so blatantly dressed with fondue hair to show just how ridiculous a gay boy can look. Simply loves his queer bling.

Then there is the Samsung Can’t commercials. In the early coverage their commercial shows a father telling his young son he can’t have a doll but instead get a GI Joe. There must have been some negative feedback. A couple days into the coverage that portion was edited out, but in the last couple days that original is back with the father telling his son he can’t have the doll but the GI Joe is what he wants. I guess the trans crowd noticed the edit and had to complain to get the re-edit back.

So many times the NBC commentators must have had instruction to mention the boy athletes who seemed lucky enough to have their boyfriends travel to the games to cheer for them. The same goes for the females noted to have their partners/wives with them. A captive audience watching the games has no ability to turn it off and still see the competitions. I honestly believe NBC is the worst offender but I have noticed the major networks are all guilty of the same. Plus the lineups of many of the cable or satellite services have their networks that simply glorify the reprobate minds. Shoved down our throats?

At least I can simply channel surf over those channels. Thank you my throat feels better.

iPatriot Contributers


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