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The Boy Scouts’ motto has always been “Be Prepared.”

Obviously, the organization was not prepared to deal with the political correctness that killed their organization. Or perhaps the leadership just didn’t have the courage to stand up against the attacks.

In any case, the “Boy Scouts of America” is gone, replaced by “Scouts BSA” Which is ironic since BSA stands for “Boy Scouts of America.” There’s still an organization. But it’s not the organization I proudly joined as a boy. It’s a dying group, not just in numbers. It is dying because it no longer has a moral compass; it has denied the principles that made it great.

It started with accepting open homosexuals as members, which was a violation of its charter. Then it allowed homosexuals to be Scoutmasters. Tens of thousands of parents pulled their kids out over that, and I don’t blame them. I certainly would never allow a child of mine to be under the influence of a homosexual.

The last straw was accepting girls as “Boy Scouts.” People said, “Shouldn’t girls have the opportunity to take part in Scouting?” Of course. And they’ve had that opportunity since 1914 – in the Girl Scouts.

There was absolutely no reason to allow girls in the Boy Scouts – except for the declining membership of the organization. And that was caused by the cowardice of the leadership in allowing political correctness to dictate the morals of the BSA.

The organization will stumble along for some years to come. But the Boy Scouts of America that we all loved has died. R.I.P., BSA.

NOTE: This article was originally published at


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