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If one holds a position or advocacy, and one’s soul is ordered – as those on the social-political Left (egoistically; selfishly), then one is “free” (they are in fact slaves of their passions; one of the reason they are such incoherent “thinkers”) to write or utter whatever verbalized emotion forces itself from your being; whether the sentiments expressed are verbally articulated or written, it is likely that the expression was satisfyingly cathartic; unless – as a social-political Leftist – your desire is physical harm to befall an opponent; in such a case, words – written or spoken – must be as effectively satisfying as premature ejaculation… Those on the social-political Right have different mien which carries a moral burden/obligation.

Because those on the social-political Right hold that reality is objectively and rationally ordered, it follows – logically – that there are objective truths and an attendant objective morality; this imposes a moral obligation upon those on the social-political Right – given the culture is ubiquitously bereft of moral understanding (a culture-of-death, as Pope John Paul II labeled it in 1993) – delineate and defend the moral law in whatever venue they may find themselves. Further, if one subscribes to Christianity, one has a further obligation – via Matthew 25: 31-40 (although the passage indicates 6 material obligations, if it, not food, drink, the condition of being a stranger, naked, sick, or in prison lacking in the USA; it is moral understanding) – to enlighten those whose minds are darkened by sin…

In explaining morality e.g., natural law, Kantian morality (the Categorical Imperative), or even the golden-rule, it is generally necessary to render intellectually tenuous the beliefs of those which embrace cultural norms (these are not only conscious avowed social-political Leftists but most people breathing in this culture) while explaining a great many ideas which render objective morality intellectually compelling for the non-ideological, but ignorant…

As an analog, one lacking understanding of algebra, trigonometry, geometry, etc. would very likely find differential calculus beyond their grasp without the aforementioned prerequisite courses. Mathematicians utilize what are known as “lemmas” (supporting arguments, or propositions, already proven) to establish (prove) other theorems; in a similar way, we frequently segue into what is necessary – in light of cultural conditions – arcane and abstruse definitions and recondite reasoning so as to lay the ground for readers desiring to understand the culture-of-death, and related issues, beyond the cursory analysis which they generally receive! We apologize for what must appear as an abundance of pretension…

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